Ascension (Ascension Series Book 6) Page 2
"Of course not."
"I appreciate that, but why?"
"Because we are part of the same crew. A unit. A group. Major Hicks would refer to us as a squad or platoon, but the meaning is the same."
"Another reference to what we are is family," Zack said.
"That wouldn't be accurate at all, and I'm surprised to hear you suggest that we’re family. We share no genetic lineage, so why would you refer to us as such?" Athena asked.
"Do you think we're friends?"
"Yes, I believe that would be accurate. The rest of the crew shares a strong bond that functions within the framework of friendship; therefore, you are my friend and I am yours," Athena said.
"Family isn't always about genetic lineage. It's a bond. Sometimes when people are around each other for a long time, those bonds grow, becoming deeper and richer," Zack said.
"Like the bond between you and Kaylan?"
"That's one type of bond, but being family means you look out for one another. We share each other's burdens. It means we’re there for each other. I didn't know Hicks until I was on the ship and now we're friends. We all know each other very well, so there’s a sense of the familiar, which can be construed as being family. Do you understand what I mean?" Zack asked.
"I understand what you said, but I will need time to consider it fully."
Zack smiled. "Well, I don't doubt that you have the processing capability to consider it in great detail."
"I appreciate you taking the time to explain it to me," Athena said.
"That’s what I'm here for," Zack said. He didn't know why, but sometimes he felt like an older brother to Athena. He hadn't said as much out loud because even in his mind it seemed absurd, and yet he loved the ship. The Athena was their home. He didn't know what would happen once they returned to Earth, but for now, this was the only place they could call their own.
"Have you considered running your experiments in a more virtualized environment?" Athena asked.
Zack pursed his lips for a moment. "I hadn't thought of that because I didn't think it was possible. Too many variables."
"Curious, but the Boxans have the schematics for the Star Shroud devices. I can certainly obtain a copy of them," Athena offered.
"No," Zack said quickly. "I'd much rather ask them."
"If we have the schematics, we can build a virtual model of the device. We could then feed in all the data input we would need—"
"And if it doesn't work, we can just reset the virtual environment back to its original condition. Athena, you're a genius! I don't know why I didn't think of this before," Zack said.
"I hadn't thought of it until this moment," Athena admitted.
"Well, I'm glad you did because now we have a way forward and we can stop—er, I can stop—wasting resources on failure. Whatever we discover would have to be tested outside the virtual environment, but at least we can move much faster now," Zack said and stood up.
He needed to stretch his legs and return to Selebus. He would remain in contact with Athena while on the planet's surface, but he was curious about what Gaarokk's reaction would be when he asked for the schematics of a Star Shroud device. He'd also have to get another one for when they were ready to test on an actual device again.
Chapter Two
Kaylan watched as the two Boxan ambassadors squared off in another verbal sparring match. This was supposed to be an informal meeting, and its location was the main research complex on Selebus. The surrounding buildings had been constructed by the Nershals under the direction of the Xiiginns. There were currently no Xiiginns there, but Kaylan noticed that the flaxen-eyed gaze of several Boxans in attendance would sometimes stray to their surroundings with a hint of disdain. She wasn't sure whether anyone else had noticed. She'd found that her instincts were acuter than they'd previously been, especially where the Boxans were concerned.
A craggy old Boxan caught her gaze and gave her a slight nod. Cardaleer was a Boxan scientist, or at least he had been before the collapse of Sethion. After the Chaos Wars, Cardaleer simply "fixed things," as he liked to put it. He was a peculiar Boxan who seemed to regard the world around him with wry amusement. Whenever he spoke to Kaylan, he did so with a reverence that she sometimes found uncomfortable. And he wasn't the only Boxan to treat her differently than the rest of the Athena crew. She'd come to be known as “Mardoxian Blessed,” which was a highly revered title given to the most gifted of the Mardoxian Sect. The only problem was that Kaylan was an honorary member of the Mardoxian Sect and the first non-Boxan able to join their ranks. As such, she found that some of the representatives from Olloron didn't particularly care for the new title that had been bestowed upon her.
"The star carrier is ours to do with as we please, Ambassador Dulrad, so I simply cannot allow it to be taken for colonial use. And may I remind you that the High Council, while supporting us here on Selebus, will not support our integration into the colony on Olloron," Councilor Essaforn said.
Ambassador Dulrad's gaze drew downward, considering. "The High Council does support your right to return to the colony. That is not in question anymore. It's a matter of resources. Selebus is a much better place for you at the current time."
Councilor Essaforn narrowed her gaze. "It's always a matter of resources. However, if you wish us to give you one of our most precious commodities, we would be left vulnerable should the Xiiginns come here in force. The star carrier is our only means of escape. Why haven't you returned to Sethion if you need raw materials so badly? Or perhaps another star system?"
"There has been a salvage mission to Sethion and we’re gathering materials from there, but we will not go to the planet's surface," Ambassador Dulrad replied.
Kaylan perked up in her seat. This was the first she'd heard that the Boxans had returned to Sethion. They must've been desperate for materials if they'd finally returned to their home star system. It couldn't have been easy for them, given what they'd left behind. She'd seen the destruction of the Chaos Wars. A dying planet filled with the hulking wrecks of a once proud, advanced race was all that was left.
Ambassador Dulrad cleared his throat. "I can tell you that the reason we need the star carrier is for the benefit of all Boxans, which includes the refugees here on Selebus."
Councilor Essaforn looked unconvinced. "You'll have to forgive me if I cannot take your assurances at face value. I have to put the needs of the Boxans here as my highest priority, and that doesn’t include allowing you to strip us of our most precious resource."
Ambassador Dulrad drew in a breath to speak again, but Kladomaor cut him off. "Enough. Councilor Essaforn has already given you her answer, and it is pointless to persist. If High Councilor Awan wants the star carrier, he's going to have to give us a compelling reason. I suggest you move on to another subject."
Ambassador Dulrad's gaze went to Kaylan, almost as if he was considering imploring her to speak on his behalf. Kaylan had stumbled upon rumors of a secret project the Boxans were working on, which had led to Zack being denied access to the Star Shroud devices. At first, she’d assumed they were building more warships to combat the Xiiginns, but this was different. The Boxan colony on Olloron was a short-term fix for their current situation. They needed a new planet to call home.
The ambassador sighed and turned back to Essaforn. "I would share more if I could. I will take your feedback to the High Council. Are there any other requests I should bring to their attention?"
Kaylan watched as Councilor Essaforn's eyes flashed angrily. One thing Kaylan had noticed about the Boxans who had survived the Chaos Wars on Sethion for all those years was that they were much freer with their emotions than the Boxans who had escaped the wars. The Boxan refugees were more impulsive—almost Human-like in their behavior.
The informal meeting ended with Essaforn promising to send Dulrad a list. Kaylan firmly believed Essaforn had several lists on hand, ready for the High Council to review.
An aged Nershal walked over to Kaylan. "May I speak w
ith you for a moment?" Governor Udonzari asked.
Udonzari had been part of the first group of Nershals to actively resist the Xiiginns there on Selebus. The global congress on Nerva had appointed Udonzari as the governor of Selebus.
"Of course. How can I help?" Kaylan said.
Nershals were long-limbed and quite strong. This aged Nershal had pale green skin and large orange eyes, and his dragonfly wings were firmly tucked in behind him. "This is a personal matter that has to do with my son. As you know, Etanu will not return to his rightful place until he has personally escorted the Athena crew back to Earth. I was hoping you would speak to him."
Kaylan smiled. "I remember how he hated you making him watch over Zack, and I'm surprised by how close they've become. Have you spoken to Etanu about this?"
"I have, and he is adamant that he will not return. I was hoping that perhaps you might consider speaking to him. Kladomaor will ensure that all of you return safely to your homeworld, so there is no need for Etanu to remain with you."
Etanu was supposed to be in the Nershal military but had deferred his service because of his vow to Zack, who had saved Etanu's life. "You must be very proud of Etanu."
Udonzari nodded. "More than I can say, but it's time for him to embrace his future. This does not involve what he's currently doing."
"I think what he's currently doing will serve the Nershals far better than commanding soldiers in the military. I think that if you continue to be patient, Etanu will return to you of his own accord, and that would be worth much more to you than if I were to convince him to return before he's ready," Kaylan replied.
Udonzari took a moment to consider what she'd said, masking his disappointment. "You are indeed Mardoxian blessed. I will take your advice, for now. You've come a long way since you first came to Selebus. If there's anything you need, all you have to do is ask."
"You've already done so much for the Boxans and for us. I just wish we hadn't caused so much bloodshed among your species," Kaylan said.
"You are not to blame for any of that. The Xiiginns have much to answer for," Udonzari said and left her.
Valkra walked over to Kaylan. The Boxan female reminded Kaylan of a much younger Kladomaor. Valkra was fiercely determined to fight the Xiiginns, but as a Mardoxian initiate, she seemed to resent her abilities. Ma'jasalax followed her over. The Mardoxian priestess always had the appearance of being supremely calm.
Kaylan smiled a greeting to both of them. "I'm worried the factions will cause a rift between what's left of the Boxans." Kaylan spoke softly so that only Ma'jasalax and Valkra could hear her.
"The Boxans will remain united in our fight against the Xiiginns," Ma'jasalax replied firmly.
"A common enemy is only going to get you so far," Kaylan replied.
"It'll get us through today," Ma'jasalax said.
Kaylan glanced over and saw Kladomaor speaking with Councilor Essaforn and Udonzari. Battle Leader Holbak had also joined them.
"I don't know if that's going to be enough," Kaylan said.
"Is this your opinion, or is this what your instincts are telling you?" Ma'jasalax asked.
"It's both. There are still too many secrets. I know you told me that I should be focusing on the Xiiginns, but what happens to the Boxans will affect what happens to the Xiiginns. If the Boxans splinter apart, the Alliance won’t survive. We need allies. I've spoken about it with Hicks, and at some point it becomes a numbers game. The Confederation has many more resources and soldiers than the Alliance does."
"I agree with you. My instincts tell me the same thing," Ma'jasalax said.
"What allies would join the Alliance? The Confederation is under the dominion of the Xiiginns," Valkra said.
"Even before we came to Nerva there were factions within the Nershals that suspected the Xiiginns didn’t have their best interests at heart. I'm willing to bet that other species in the Confederation feel the same way. The Xiiginns control the Confederation through the leadership of the individual species. Their control is far-reaching, but it can’t include everyone. We need to reach out to these factions and bring them into the Alliance," Kaylan said.
Ma'jasalax nodded. "We need the Gresans. They are a powerful race in the Confederation, second only to the Xiiginns."
"The Gresans had been trying to reach Sethion for many cycles. It was unclear what their motives were," Valkra said.
"Can you make the recommendation to Ambassador Dulrad?" Kaylan asked.
Ma'jasalax narrowed her gaze. "Why wouldn't you make the recommendation?"
"I'm not sure they'll listen to me. They respect my abilities and appreciate what the Athena crew has done, but we're still viewed as a primitive species, at least where some of the Boxans are concerned," Kaylan said.
Ma'jasalax gave her a knowing look. "It will take time for certain prejudices to subside among our species."
"It might help if we had more of my own species here. I doubt we'd listen to a handful of aliens trying to give us advice either," Kaylan said with a wry smile.
"Kladomaor defers to you, and many Boxans have noticed that. I think you undervalue how the Boxans perceive you," Valkra said.
Perhaps they were right, but this reprieve from their conflict with the Confederation would only last for a short amount of time. They needed to use that time wisely if they were going to survive.
Valkra looked at Ma'jasalax curiously. "I've noticed that you don’t have a bodyguard. I thought the requirement was that all Mardoxian priests and priestesses were to have a bodyguard with them at all times."
"That was indeed the practice. I no longer have a bodyguard," Ma'jasalax said.
"What happened to your guard?" Valkra asked.
Kaylan noticed that Ma'jasalax's gaze went cold, almost deadly.
"You're worried that you’ll be assigned a bodyguard since you have the Mardoxian potential in you," Ma'jasalax said.
"I can take care of myself and therefore don't need a bodyguard. Nor will I accept one," Valkra replied.
Kaylan understood why Valkra wouldn't want a bodyguard whose duties included making sure that no Mardoxian priest or priestess fell into the Xiiginns’ hands by any means possible. Kaylan also wouldn't want a protector whose secondary orders were to kill her to prevent the Xiiginns from gaining the Mardoxian potential.
Kaylan watched Ma'jasalax consider her reply. She had no idea what had happened to Ma'jasalax's bodyguard when she'd been taken prisoner.
"My bodyguard died while executing his duties," Ma'jasalax answered finally.
"You were captured by the Xiiginns. How is it that they weren’t able to extract the genetic code for the Mardoxian potential from you?" Valkra asked.
"I see you've been speaking with Cardaleer," Ma'jasalax said. "I wasn't their prisoner for very long."
Kaylan remembered how they'd rescued Ma'jasalax from a Xiiginn warship. Kladomaor had been just as concerned about the fact that the Xiiginns had a Mardoxian priestess as he was about rescuing her. Kaylan had always assumed that Ma'jasalax's bodyguard had died while protecting her, but now she wondered if Ma'jasalax had killed her own bodyguard to keep them from killing her. As if sensing her thoughts, Ma'jasalax looked at Kaylan.
"If we can defeat the Xiiginns, many things will change," Ma'jasalax said.
The Boxans had been fighting a desperate war and had made many sacrifices to ensure their survival. The more Kaylan thought about it, the more she could imagine Ma'jasalax doing what she suspected. After all, it was Ma'jasalax who’d put them all on this path when she sent the first Mardoxian signal to Earth.
Chapter Three
The lavish offices of the supreme leader of the Xiiginns on the Confederation space station held all the trappings of power. The outer chambers were a masterful blend of gardens that utilized flora from primary Confederation species. Sculptures representing all the species of the Confederation—including the Boxans—could be found throughout the tower.
Garm Antis stood on a balcony overlooking the ma
in chamber. A life-sized sculpture of a Boxan stood beneath him. They were the true enemy of the Xiiginns, and he'd kept the sculptures as a reminder that the Boxans still roamed the great expanse, searching for a way to annihilate them.
His defeat in the Human star system had cost him some political capital that he was keen to regain. They'd been on the verge of victory, and not even the Boxan Dreadnoughts were enough to hold off his fleet. But instead of victory, he had presided over one of the most stunning defeats in history, and a show of weakness was enough to bring forth aggression, even in the Xiiginns.
During the past few months he had gone to great lengths to reconsolidate his influence. Some Xiiginns believed the loss of a significant chunk of the Xiiginn fleet was enough to remove him from power, but those misguided factions had soon learned this was not possible. And now that the opportunity-seeking Xiiginns had been dealt with, he was free to move on.
Despite all his efforts, he knew there was still a lingering threat to deal with. He had a sneaking suspicion that Mar Arden had somehow survived the battle. Garm Antis had sent several scout ships back to the Human star system, searching for evidence of any survivors, and there was no trace of the warship Mar Arden had been on. If there was another Xiiginn among his species who could have survived those circumstances, then he was at a loss to think of who that could be. His own flagship had been at the rear of the vanguard, and when the other ships had broken apart on the Star Shroud shield, his war general had taken action to ensure their survival.
The holoscreen above his desk became active, signaling that his next appointment had just arrived. Garm Antis authorized the door to his office to open, and a Xiiginn walked in. She had pale features and long platinum hair with many silver beads interwoven among the silky strands, along with a blazing pendant that hung in front of her well-formed breasts.
Garm Antis regarded her severely. "I hope you brought me answers, Setera."